Reversing Diabetes is possible with a plant based, vegan diet!
If you have Type 2 Diabetes and are looking at ways to improve your health and possibly reverse this disease, watch this fabulous documentary called FORKS OVER KNIVES which talks about how you can reverse diabetes with a plant-based, vegan diet ….
This short film on reversing diabetes with a plant-based diet from the creators of Forks Over Knives ( captures how NYC Mayor-Elect Eric Adams (who was Brooklyn Borough president at the time of this video) turns his health around after a devastating diabetes diagnosis. has over 400 healthy whole-food plant-based recipes, expert tips, and tools to help you transition to the life-saving, whole-foods, plant-based diet.
Click HERE to watch a piece from the film where NYC Mayor-Elect Eric Adams talk about turning his health around.
Back in 2013, Herman Brot founder Christian Coenen reversed his Type 2 Diabetes by following using our Herman Brot Lower Carb Bread (Plant based/vegan) as his staple food. Coupled with an exercise program he lost 60+kg and shocked his doctors by doing what a lot of medical professionals say cannot be done. Slowly we are seeing diabetes professionals and organisations realising that with correct diet, it can be reversed.
If you are looking to follow a low carb plant based diet, all of our products are made using pure plant protein, are vegan and have the 5 star health rating. They are the perfect addition to a healthy eating plan.
Visit our PRODUCT page to find out more about all of our products.